Anything one man
can imagine, other men
can make real.

– Jules Verne

Our values


A legal expertise at the highest level and a good understanding of a French market make it possible for Verne Legal to offer global legal and tax services and identify eventual obstacles related to differences in doing business in foreign countries.


Direct contact with our clients allows us to dynamically support them in overcoming daily difficulties, and at the same time spend the right amount of time at explaining the complexity of French regulations and familiarizing the client with the French business culture.


We say what we do, we do what we say.
Clear Fee policy set in a prior written agreement is a guarantee for a long-term trust relationship with our clients.


A broad experience of Verne Legal enables adjusting the service provided to the needs of our client, both as for legal advice and dispute resolution. It is among other due to the familiarity with the newest LegalTech tools that Verne Legal can offer competitive services guaranteeing the effectiveness and quality of proposed solutions.


©Maurice Weiss /Ostkreuz
Ewa Kaluzinska, Partner

French Attorney at law (Avocat) and legal counsel for nearly 20 years, member of Paris and Warsaw Bar (list A).

She has gained her professional experience in international law firms in Paris (such as Ernes & Young), where she was advising French branches of international corporations in tax matters. Then, while working as a Corporate Law advisor for French law firms she advised small and medium companies and startups on matters such as recapitalization and M&A. Currently, a co-founder and a managing partner of Verne Legal.

She advises clients in Polish, French, English and Russian. She appreciates innovative solutions and promotes pragmatic approach, following a rule that it is law that shall serve the business, and not the opposite.

A major part of her career she devoted to French and international tax law, company law and investments, as well as real estate law. She represents clients in negotiations, before national courts and administrative institutions.

Ewa devotes her free time to immerse herself into European literature. She is passionate about music, yoga and Mediterranean culture.

©Tom Szykulski
Iga Kurowska, Partner

A graduate from Sorbonne Law School, she participates actively in LegalTech projects. Since 2019, she is a lecturer at Parisian campus of Catholic University of Lille.

She has developed her expertise by working in six different countries, what have allowed her to operate fluently in four foreign languages, to get to know international legal environment and to understand the international business culture. Since the beginning of her career she has strived work with people. Her professional experiences led her to specialize in international business law and international taxation.

She advises foreign and French companies in Polish, English, French and Spanish. She is involved in start ‘up development, collaborating actively with French and foreign startup hubs.

She has promoted an idea of teamwork since her university years, by founding two well-functioning associations ELSA (European Law Students’ Association), in Lille (France) and in Valencia (Spain). Since 2015, she is a member of AIJA (international Association of Young Lawyers).

She is passionate about water sports, photography and new technologies.


Verne Legal owns its name and inspiration to a French writer, and a futurist Jules Verne. The protagonists of his novels were proving that any obstacle is just a next step to overcome a challenge. Such is also a motto of Verne Legal.

The Team of Verne Legal law firm comes from international environment, gaining experience in numerous countries such as Russia, Canada, or Spain, to finally set up in France. Multicultural baggage of the Team helps their entrepreneurial clients identify important aspects of cultural differences and consider them in an international expansion strategy. Work in international law firms has taught us adopting a pragmatic approach in order to solve legal issues of our clients.

Availability and a direct contact with our clients allow for creating a long-term relationship with a client, based on a mutual trust and respect, that are essential to accomplishing our clients’ projects. Our mission is to convince our clients that familiarity with local rules is an integral part and an asset in business management. Thus creation of Verne Legal.

Lawyers of Verne Legal share a common goal – opening a French market to foreign companies. In the center of their attention they have the needs of their clients, that they try to understand and analyze in order to propose tailor-made solutions.

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